Promethean Onion
Join two curious STEM students on a journey to peel back the layers of some of the most complex and divisive philosophical questions. They will tackle their many disagreements through logical, fiery debate which will illuminate the truth and burn away the falsehoods. Get ready for wild opinions, unexpected arguments, and a genuine sense of camaraderie.
Promethean Onion
Tut-al Killers pt. 2: Death and Treason
A peculiar crypt with the violently broken bones of the young God-King of Egypt, his widow's secret letter, and his enemies' poems all point to a strange conclusion: Tutankhamun, history's most famous Pharaoh was murdered in cold blood.
Suppiluliuma statue: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fe/Neo-Hittite_King_Suppiluliuma%2C_9th_century_AD%2C_found_at_the_site_of_Kinalua%2C_the_capital_city_of_a_Iron_Age_Neo-Hittite_kingdom%2C_Hatay_Archaeology_Museum%2C_Antakya%2C_Turkey_%2851019854483%29.jpg
Egyptian names: https://talesfromthetwolands.org/2019/08/11/the-naming-of-kings/#:~:text=Tutankhamun's%20Horus%20name%20is%20%E2%80%9CKa,Strong%20Bull%20or%20Victorious%20Bull
Chariot hit reconstruction: https://youtu.be/bsk91Pm2gM4?si=tdc2SgCATS3m6OuM&t=134
Howard Carter’s diary: http://www.griffith.ox.ac.uk/gri/4sea1not.html
The Murder of Tutankhamen by Dr. Bob Brier
Audio credits:
- https://pixabay.com/music/ambient-the-sphinx-dream-ancient-tune-149287/
- https://pixabay.com/music/ambient-into-the-darkness-cello-version-long-154335/
Sound effects:
- Bumping into table . by Edelhanie -- https://freesound.org/s/594660/ -- License: Attribution 4.0
- carriage with two horses in forest 2.32 PM 230828_0572 by klankbeeld -- https://freesound.org/s/681489/ -- License: Attribution 4.0